Healthy as Heck 2018 Gift Guide

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Oh, it’s that time of year again!  Anyone else feel lost trying to find the perfect gift for each person on your list every year?  This girl does! 

Below you’ll find my ‘favorite things’ list for both babies and their Mommas!  If you are like me and find yourself wandering around stores having no idea what to pick up, I hope this list will help give you a little direction.

My little lady on her Radio Flyer 4-in-1 (see info below)
  1. B. Toys Baby Blocks – my MIL purchased these for my daughter and they have become the go-to toy for her.  She loves learning to stack them, throw them, and knock them over. They are squishy and have no sharp sides so they are safe if she ends up putting them in her mouth or falling while she walks around the house. (for ages 6mo+)
  2. PBKids Anywhere Chair – I’m late to the game on this one.  Many of the moms I know had these well before the one year mark. I realized the other day that unless she is in her high chair, my daughter no longer has a comfortable place to sit.  Enter this chair.  It’s customizable with your favorite little one’s name, washable, and has a convenient handle for easy moving when your toddler just can’t decide where it is they want to sit.  And the bonus? There are so many fabrics to choose from, you’ll be able to choose one that perfectly fits your little one’spersonality!
  3. JJ Cole Car seat cover – I had no idea these existed when I used a carseat carrier and by the time my girlfriend lent me hers, I was so mad no one had told me about this sooner!  The elastic sides fit around the car seat and the top zippers open and closed to allow easy access for putting your child in/out of their seat.  This genius product keeps your child warm on those cold winter days without you having to put them in and out of their bulky coats (Click here for info on why kids shouldn’t wear winter coats in their car seats.)
  4. Fisher-Price Dance & Move BeatBowWow – I have memorized every song this little guy plays thanks to it’s constant use in my home.  This one holds a special place in my heart because it was the first toy that got my daughter starting to dance!  When she was younger, she used to just enjoy lookingat the lights on the dog’s belly, but now she bounces, shakes, and claps through each song.  It’s a great gift if you’re looking for something that a baby can grow with and enjoy through several stages. (for ages 9mo-3yr)
  5. Radio Flyer 4-in-1 –  The first time I put my daughter in this to go out for a walk, she started waving to every car that passed… I knew our days walking with the stroller were now numbered.  This awesome product transitions from a ride on to a tricycle, so it will stay with your favorite kiddo from the time that they can sit up by themselves until they are ready for a big kid bike! (for ages 9mo-5yrs)
  6. Most loved Books:  I am always a fan of adding to a child’s library and encouraging a love of reading early.  Here are a few of the books that my daughter is always excited to read! (Click the image to purchase!)

Now that I have the kiddo’s covered – let’s talk about all my beautiful Mama’s out there.  Here are a couple of my favorite items!  (If you are a Mama, you may want to share this post with your honey!)

  1. Gift cards for pampering – I know this is a cliché first item, but let’s be honest… Mom’s deserve a little time to themselves doing things that make them feel pretty, pampered, and relaxed.  So, I always love gift cards for massages, manicure/pedicures, or any other spa related treatments.  (Bonus points if you watch the kids while Mom gets some R&R!)
  2. Tarte Bronzer Palette – I’m pretty scared of change when it comes to make up.  Once I find something I like, I rarely jump ship, but then this beautiful palette showed up in my FabFitFun box (more on that below) and my old bronzer was out the window!  I wear this every single day.  Most days I just dust on some color, but for fancier nights, the contour options are perfection!
  3. The Perfect Sweatshirt – I would live in this sweatshirt if I could.  It is soft, cozy, warm, and pretty.  All wins in my book.  For the mom that loves her comfy clothes, this sweatshirt is a definite win!
  4. A Sparkly Necklace – Who doesn’t love a little sparkle in their stocking?  This necklace is my absolute favorite!  It comes in a slew of different color options so you can find one that any Mom will love.  
  5. Curated boxes – Last year for Christmas, my husband found this amazing limited edition Popsugar curated box.  It was the most fun present to open because it was surprise after surprise after surprise! I love this idea when you want to give someone something special, but have run out of clever ideas.  I always love my FabFitFun subscription boxes and I also suggest POPSUGAR.
  6. Online Fitness Memberships –  For the mom in your life who really wants to get to the gym, but can’t find the time in her busy schedule, gifting her a membership for exercise she can do at home would be a great way to help her work toward her goals.  I highly recommend a membership to Yogaworks for the mind/body Mama or FitBod for the strength training/cardio Mama (Click Here to learn more about FitBod and get my discount code!)!
  7. Wet/Dry bags – This is the item I never knew I needed.   This waterproof bag for babies has allowed me to ditch bulky diaper bags for good.  Instead of carrying a purse and a diaper bag, this handy little pouch gets packed with a few diapers, wipes, a fold-up changing pad, and one or two other necessities and then slips right in my tote bag.  I almost never leave home without it.  I also have a cute one (like this) to take with me to the lake. 

So now that you have my ideas for the Mom’s and kiddos in your life… comment below with your favorite gifts or gift guides for the men in our lives!!

And as always, Stay Healthy as Heck! 

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