Tag: weight loss

Social Media and Your Health: 4 tips to Help You Know if your Health or Wellness Coach is the Real Deal

I have a real love/hate relationship with social media. I was in graduate school when Facebook first came on the scene, and I don’t think anyone (including me) could have imagined what it would lead to, for better or worse. On one hand, I think social media has created amazing opportunities for our generation that we could have never imagined. Take communication for example – the ease and speed with which we can disseminate information and the reach people and businesses can now have is pretty incredible. On the other hand, I think we all know that social media has a darker side.

As you scroll social media, how often do you see accounts for influencers and coaches that are providing health, wellness, or fitness information? How often do you stop to consider whether the person behind that account really knows what they are talking about?

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3 Reasons Losing Weight is a Bad Goal

Bet I made you read that title twice, didn’t I?

This may be an unpopular post topic, but I’m writing it anyway, because I think it’s a perspective worth considering.

Now is the time of year when gyms fill to capacity, people set resolutions, and everyone believes this shiny new year will be better than all those that came before it (if you want to read about my thoughts about new year goals, click here or here). So, I thought it was a perfect time to talk about why setting the goal of losing weight is not the best game plan.

Continue reading “3 Reasons Losing Weight is a Bad Goal”