Tag: body image

Do I have an Eating Disorder? Common Warning Signs and Resources for Help

Do I have an Eating Disorder?  Common Warning Signs and Resources for Help

This week is National Eating Disorder Awareness Week and it’s something that’s so near and dear to my heart that I wanted to make sure to get a post out to you all on this topic.  I’ve been blessed to have had a very full professional life and pursue multiple passions over the years.  In the world of psychology, I was an eating disorder recovery therapist for about 10 years and in the health, fitness, and dance world, I have worked with a surprising amount of women and men who have struggled with disordered eating and negative body image.

Even beyond the people I interact with professionally, it’s increasingly common for me to run across women and men having difficulty finding the right balance in regards to eating, exercise, and their mindset. It doesn’t take much for things to shift from healthy to disordered. If I’m candid, that line can even be a hard one for me…

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3 Reasons Losing Weight is a Bad Goal

Bet I made you read that title twice, didn’t I?

This may be an unpopular post topic, but I’m writing it anyway, because I think it’s a perspective worth considering.

Now is the time of year when gyms fill to capacity, people set resolutions, and everyone believes this shiny new year will be better than all those that came before it (if you want to read about my thoughts about new year goals, click here or here). So, I thought it was a perfect time to talk about why setting the goal of losing weight is not the best game plan.

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My Fav Finds for a Healthy and Happy New Year

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Last week, I talked about how to set goals for the new year that you can actually achieve. This week, I want to share with you a few products that I am incorporating into my life to ensure a healthy and happy new year!

Before I get to the good stuff, I do want to clarify… If you read my last post, you’ll see a section where I said that I think the whole “resolution” idea is driven by those who want to sell us more stuff. I still stand by that. At the same time, I also love products that actually help you work towards being a better, healthier, saner you. I think our goal as consumers should be to remain focused on whether our purchases add value to our lives. And if they do, then I think you should go for it. So, there ya go.

Now, on to the good stuff! My first two faves are for the mental wellness side of things:

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