Tag: mom

Defining Success on Your Own Terms – Part 2

In last week’s post, (Defining Success on Your Own Terms – Part 1) I left you with a question – what is success? What does it look like?

And the answer is: whatever works for you.

No really, that really is my answer.

In years of doing psychotherapy and then listening to people as I worked with them in the dance/ fitness business I have learned many things, but one of the most consistent things I have seen is that everyone is truly unique. There is no one-size fits all version of successful living. That means, that whatever journey you’ve taken and wherever you happen to be heading is fantastic as long as that journey, generally speaking, brings contentment, joy, satisfaction, and peace.

I think it’s ignorant (yup, I said it) to assume that our journey is somehow better than anyone else’s – because what is better exactly?

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Defining Success on Your Own Terms – Part 1

Defining Success on Your Own Terms - Part 1

Going from a successful career-oriented woman, to a stay-at-home Mom, to now building a part-time career has been an enormously difficult transition for me. It has provided many lovely moments and is a time that I will cherish forever, but it has also required me to really shed a layer of my identify and deal with what I’ve found underneath it. This has prompted a mix of emotions and sometimes I find myself simultaneously feeling grateful, disappointed, and frustrated.

The interesting part is that I know I’m not alone in this, I’ve heard many Moms talking about it in one place or another. I’m going to put aside the topic of what it means to identify with the ‘Mom’ identify for a later post, but today I want to talk a little about defining success in our lives. This is a topic I’ve really had to think long and hard about recently and if you are struggling to feel like you measure up, I think this post will speak to you too.

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Tips for Adopting an Attitude of Gratitude

4 Ways to Adopt an Attitude of Gratitude

I had a completely different post typed up and ready to go for today but then I had a moment that struck me yesterday so I decided I wanted to circle back to gratefulness this week (if you missed my first post, Everyday Gratitude, click over and read that now!) The moment that refocused me was a reminder that gratitude can be hard, fleeting, and difficult to maintain. When I hear people talk about gratefulness, I rarely hear them discuss this part of the equation. Unfortunately, I think these tough realities are why people often give up when trying to develop a grateful mindset. It’s not being grateful that’s challenging, it’s maintaining it.

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Mom Tip Mondays – Stomach Bug Edition

(**Affiliate Post: We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.)

It clearly isn’t Monday, I know, but I wanted to start this today while it was fresh in my mind. Every other Monday from here on out, I will be posting a “Mom Tip.” These may be from me or they may be advice from fellow Mom’s I know, love, and respect immensely… but either way, they will be short little tips to make life less stressful for all the new mommies (or seasoned mommy’s too!) out there. The inspiration for this came when the stomach bug hit our house this week. As a stepmom, I’ve seen the stomach bug before… BUT I’ve 1. only seen the stomach bug in a kid that already knew how to throw-up in a toilet and/or a garbage can and 2. often been the co-pilot as my amazing hubby takes the lead with my stepson. So, this was the first time I walked into my toddler’s room to find her covered in puke and screaming bloody murder and had to quickly assess the situation and respond.

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Newborn Books – The Good and The Bad

(**Affiliate Post: We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.)
I recently had a long talk with one of my closest friends who just had her third baby. She and I have both struggled with newborns who were/are intolerant to certain foods and know all too well the mayhem that creates. I don’t envy my friend – trying to juggle a newborn along with two other beautiful but rambunctious little ones running around the house. It’s a lot.

She’s a Rockstar mom. Like, seriously, she’s an amazing Momma who seems to have all this parenting stuff down pat.

So, I was surprised when our convo turned to feeling stressed because she wasn’t following the newborn book script to a T. And then I remembered feeling that way when my little lady was new too. In fact, I believe I called her and tearfully had almost the same discussion with her, but roles were reversed. In fact, I’ve had this conversation with multiple moms and I have come to realize that newborn books can be great, but they can also be detrimental for new mom mental health if they aren’t put in the proper perspective.

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My Go-To Home Remedies for Cold Season!

This has been a rough week for me, so I apologize that it’s been a little quiet on the blog front. I got hit with not one, but two illnesses back to back. Last Sunday morning, I woke up and felt like a bus hit me. Fever, chills, achy, headache… random flu-like stuff. Three days later, just when I thought I was coming out of the woods… Wham! Sinus infection. So much for feeling better!

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First Birthday Luau Fun!

(**Affiliate Post: We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to Amazon.com and affiliated sites.)

Hey Y’all!  I’m sure there will be another, more sappy, post coming about how my little girl is growing up, because she is… sniffle.

But before I get there, can we just talk about how much planning goes into a first birthday party?!

I mean, seriously, I called my Mom and said… when did I stop planning a birthday and start planning a wedding?!?! Honestly, that’s how it felt the whole time!
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